Search for tag: "cultural competency"
Introducing the Cultural Competency KickstarterAt King’s, we envision a community that is culturally competent and embraces diversity in all its forms. King’s students can help build that community and gain valuable skills by taking…
From Nicole Mennell
2,871 plays
Cultural Competency KickstarterAt King’s, we envision a community that is culturally competency and embraces diversity in all its forms. King’s students can help build that community and gain valuable skills by…
From Nicole Mennell
1,164 plays
'Around the World in 6 WHO Regions' - Creating and Delivering a 4-week Virtual International ElectiveThis video explores the rationale, content, challenges and learning outcomes of a Virtual journey undertaken by 52 Nursing students, interacting with faculty, students and representatives from 19…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
39 plays
Kickstart your thinking intro by Dr Kyriaki KoukourakiA video introduction by Dr Kyriaki Koukouraki on how to kick starting your thinking about cultural competency.
From Charles Kasule
275 plays
Toolkit intro by Taylor AnnabellA video introduction to the Cultural Competency toolkit by Taylor Annabell
From Charles Kasule
199 plays
Events and activities intro by Dr Ed StevensAn introduction to Cultural Competency events and activities at King's Dr Ed Stevens.
From Charles Kasule
133 plays