Search for tag: "case study"
Our Faculty Meets Weekly to Talk about Education, and People Actually Join! How it Started vs. How it's GoingA study of how the NMES Education Elevenses meetings started, the topics that have been covered, how we recruit speakers, why people keep coming, and where we are going. Part of the Learning &…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
7 plays
'Around the World in 6 WHO Regions' - Creating and Delivering a 4-week Virtual International ElectiveThis video explores the rationale, content, challenges and learning outcomes of a Virtual journey undertaken by 52 Nursing students, interacting with faculty, students and representatives from 19…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
39 plays
Putting Research Authenticity into the First Year of UniversityIn this video, we present two linked coursework assessments designed to introduce students to advanced neuroscience literature, open-source scientific platforms and the research process in the first…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
12 plays
Creating a Contemporary Physiotherapy Curriculum: Challenges and SuccessesReflection on and learning from the process of healthcare curriculum development in co-production with students and with wide stakeholder engagement. Part of the Learning & Teaching Conference…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
28 plays
Gender Action: A New Innovation ModuleThis talk describes the motivation and design of the Gender Action Innovation Module, and includes examples of protects developed in the module, delivered for the first time in 2020/21. Part of the…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
176 plays
Adapt the Week-long Data Dive Event to Online Fully with More InvolvementWe've adapted the week-long Data Dive event from on-site to online over lockdown in 2020 and 2021, and realised it has both cons and pros, especially encouraging more participants from US…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
3 plays
Assessing Assessment – Are our Exams Effectively Assessing Student Understanding?This talk shares the initial outcomes of analysing assessments in Chemistry & Physics using a new combined framework, as part of a cross-departmental Faculty Teaching Fund project. Part of the…
From Alice Collier
34 plays
Study on the Impact of Flexible Assessment on Students' Learning and EngagementThe video is to explore the impact of flexible assessment on students' learning and engagement via the analysis and evaluation of data gathered from students after implementing a flexible…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
26 plays
Self-Identity, Intercultural & Intergenerational Learning: Working Together Towards Service-learning @ King’sThis video discusses the rich experience of staff, students and community partners in the Self-Identity, Intercultural & Intergenerational Learning service module - an interdisciplinary module…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
22 plays
Teaching the Teachers: Reflections from two GTAsThis case study offers a critical reflection on the experience of two Graduate Teaching Assistants who were hired to ‘teach the teachers’ at their department during the first national…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
7 plays
The Reading Teams: Reading Together to Read More and BetterTalk given at the Learning & Teaching Conference 2021 on a teaching innovation called Reading Teams, aimed at improving students academic reading and critical thinking skills. Part of the…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
17 plays
Inclusive Curriculum Framework: Research in Marketing ApplicationsWith the aim to encourage education to create more inclusive modules, to inform them about good inclusive practices and ensure a holistic approach in designing inclusive modules across King's…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
19 plays
Arts and Culture for Enhancing the Online Student ExperienceIn 20/21 the Culture team developed two new online extracurricular courses around belonging, community, wellbeing and skills development through arts and culture - This session looks at the successes…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
6 plays
Fostering Critical Global Citizenship in HE, the Paradigm of English for Academic PurposesThis presentation gives an insight into the concept of (critical) global citizenship, of how this is perceived in UK HE and proposes some practical suggestions of how it can be implemented and taught…
From Jordan James Kirkwood
5 plays